How to deal with jealousy:Jealous thoughts can be obsessive and controlling. They could completely deprive you of your positivity, mood, confidence, drive you to...
How to deal with loneliness:Loneliness: Is the feeling you experience when you are disconnected with people, relationships, the environment, and what actually is in...
The meaning of random thoughts of a scene/a memory/brief events of the past:Why do these thoughts stay in our memory even after decades and keep coming up from time to time? It is because the information and...
MEANINGLESSNESS: How to overcome itMeaninglessness - A very common issue that I hear often from people and I myself struggled with for many many years, is the lack of...
Everything and everyone in life is just mirroring back to us the reflections of how we are inside.We often think that the outer circumstances, people and events are the causes of our happiness or unhappiness, and try to either chase...
To get out of your own problems, think about others.When things go wrong, we often fixate on the "wrongness" of the situation, meanwhile compulsively and anxiously respond to what happened...
A restless mind is always lost in dream thoughts.There are two type of thoughts that arise in our minds: intentional and unintentional thoughts. Intentional thoughts are under our...
Depression can be cured, once the mind is free of its conditionings.17 years of depression was the most painful yet much needed experience in my journey to find inner peace and truths. That journey gave me...